How To Prevent Ingrown Hairs After Epilation

It is pretty much common to have ingrown hair after epilation. But every problem has its solution. You can follow some of these facts so that you can prevent ingrown hair bumps. “Precaution is better than cure”. If you know the facts by which you can stop unwanted ingrown hairs, then it is better to follow them. Everyone worries about ingrown hairs. It especially occurs after waxing, shaving or epilating. Every process has the risk of unwanted ingrown hair bumps. Follow these easy rules to prevent ingrown hair bumps:

Exfoliate properly before epilation: Exfoliation is the process of removing all dead skins from your body. It will remove the dead skins from the outermost surface of your body. You should exfoliate your skin twice in a week and before epilation. If you don’t exfoliate, then the dead skins will never come out from the surface and it will cause ingrown hair bumps. So if you want to epilate your body regularly, then make a habit to exfoliate your body regularly.


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Stay hydrated: You may not know this, but it is very important to stay hydrated for your skin. It will lower the possibility of ingrown hair bumps. So drink a plenty of water every day. It will keep you healthy as well as your skin. Also, your face and skin will glow. If you lack water, then the possibility of ingrown hair bumps will increase whereas you take a lot of preparation.

Epilate in the direction of hair growth: It is the most important rule to prevent ingrown hair bumps. Because if you epilate in the opposite direction of hair growth, then ready to have ingrown hairs. Trust me, having ingrown hair is worse than if you don’t epilate and have normal body hair. So you don’t want to see all red spots in your body. Always epilate in the direction of natural hair growth. If you break the rule, they will cause a pain for you.

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Don’t push too hard: Remember not to push too hard while epilating. It is also for shaving. Because when you push the epilator hard against your skin, it will cause pain as well as you will have ingrown hair bumps. So keep in mind not to push the epilator against your skin too hard.

Use a moisturizer: Don’t forget to use a moisturizer regularly. Moisturizer helps to prevent skins from drying out. It holds water at the outmost surface of the skin. It keeps your skin healthy and prevents irritation after shaving or epilating. So you just have to be regular to use a moisturizer. It will make your work easier to prevent ingrown hair bumps as your skin will be hydrated.

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Massage the skin after epilation: Massage your skin gently after epilation. Your skin is a very sensitive. And you are messing with it. So you have to take better care so that it doesn’t lose its beauty. After epilation, take a wet towel and gently rub it all over your body. It will give a nice feeling and will be very helpful for your skin. Massage your body in circular motion. Sometimes after epilation, you can feel itchy. But never ever scratch them. It will cause ingrown hair bumps.

You can always prevent anything if you take the proper care. Well, you know that if you epilate your skin, you will have a big chance of ingrown hair bumps. If you follow these things you will have less possibility of ingrown hair. So always keep in mind to stay hydrated, exfoliate, use a moisturizer etc. You will love your skin after epilation.

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